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Reopening the Wormhole is a weekly podcast in which three Deep Space Nine obsessives tackle a randomly selected episode from the series and analyze all the things they love and hate about it. Each week, they'll try to determine the funniest lines out of context, deliver their very official review scores and much more! Make sure to stick around until the end, so you don't miss it when they spin the Dabo wheel to reveal next week's episode! 

Featuring Jack Stovold, Sam Stovold and Kevin Young 

Dec 23, 2019

Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeee’re back! You didn’t think the RTW crew would let an Xmas go by without a small gift to our fans, did you? After a couple months off, we’re going to be back intermittently with THINGS. OF. INTEREST!!!! For Xmas this year, we just couldn’t resist getting together to watch one of our...

Oct 14, 2019

A grand finale requires the grandest of episodes. And here it is, finally! After a 4-year journey, we’ve arrived at the thing that listeners almost certainly want: a nearly-five-hour-long, in-depth, off-the-wall discussion with a dog snoring in the background. If you’re a long-time listener, YOU KNEW THIS...

Sep 11, 2019

This week, the RTW crew decided to postpone their episode about the series finale of DS9, and instead are taking a deep dive into the DS9 documentary. You’ll remember back in May of this year, Sam & Kevin had the privilege to see the film in theaters, but Jack was sadly unable to see it himself. Go back and listen to...

Sep 5, 2019

RTW is letting loose the Dogs of War! That’s right! It’s our penultimate regular DS9 episode! And oohhhhh what an episode it is. Our Ferengi expert and friend Kregg Castillo is along for the ride to discuss the end of the Ferengi storyline on DS9, and so so so so so much more. In fact, at OVER 4 HOURS LONG, this one...

Aug 21, 2019

With the Dabo Wheel spinning its final spin, and only two episodes of Deep Space Nine left, things are getting heated at RTW headquarters. And as the end draws nearer and nearer, the hosts of RTW are taking a somber and serious approach to crafting the absolute best episodes for their listeners. … Ah who are...